Showing posts with label Second Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Second Life. Show all posts

Friday, January 25, 2013

Bryn Oh, Imogen and the pigeons

Bryn Oh is the avatar and pseudonym of a professional oil painter who lives here in Toronto who has been creating mesmerizing and challenging multilayered installations inside the virtual world of Second life for several years (see previous post). I'm especially impressed by Bryn's latest work Imogen and the pigeons, an "immersive narrative exhibited in the virtual world called Second Life...a layered story told through poetry."

I find it difficult to classify work like this. Is it Machinima, immersive interactive art, digital puppetry, all of the above, or something else entirely? While I'm not entirely sure what the answer to that question is, I do know that I like it. A lot. It's inspiring to see the innovative ways that Bryn Oh is exploring and expanding how this still new medium can be used.

You can explore Imogen and the pigeons inside Second Life (click here and follow the instructions to join Second Life) and/or see more of Bryn Oh's previous Second Life builds on YouTube.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Bryn Oh Second Life Machinima

I love Bryn Oh's trippy, fantastical Second Life Machinima. Read more about her on PuppetVision and watch her latest work, filmed in the Immersiva sim in Second Life.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Second Life Lip Sync

My significant other and I hosted a small dinner party over the weekend attended by a number of fantastically talented and creative folks, one of whom is an artist who has been deeply involved in Second Life for awhile now. I talked about Panda Puppet a bit with him and we had a long discussion about Second Life and it's potential. I had rejected the idea of using Second Life for digital puppetry/Machinima purposes, but his enthusiasm for it coupled with the recent announcement of a basic lip sync tool for Second Life makes me want to reconsider (helpful lip sync tips can be found on The Second Life Wiki).

Friday, February 09, 2007

Two and a Half Virtual Men

Many viewers in the U.S. who watched the Super Bowl pre-game show last weekend got their first look in to the virtual world of Second Life thanks to this short promo for the CBS sitcom Two and a Half Men that was created using SL. The big-time exposure is something of a landmark achievement for Machinima, although unfortunately this is a pretty weak piece, no doubt due in part to the fact that it was reportedly produced for CBS in big a rush.

The Two and a Half Men promo was created by The Electric Sheep Company, which usually does better work than this. Visit their Machinima portfolio for some much nicer Machinima examples.