Saturday, December 17, 2011

"The Internet is For Porn" screened before Congress

If you haven't been following the debate over the controversial Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) in the United States, well, let's just say I have to hand it to the United States Congress. It takes a whole lot of stupid (or maybe just a whole lot of money from Hollywood studios and record labels) to come up with copyright legislation that is even more asine and one-sided than what they already have on the books in the U.S., but with SOPA they seem to have done it.

In any case, Rep. Jared Polis, a Democrat from Colorado with a refreshingly intelligent take on internet policy, injected a little levityby in to a debate on the bill by screening the Machinima mash-up The Internet Is For Porn before the House Judiciary committee. Rep. Polis used the video as part of an effort to add an anti-pornography amendment to SOPA, a tactically brilliant back-door legal manuevere that potentially could have made the entire piece of legislation unconstitutional.

The ammendment was ultimately defeated by a vote of 18 to 9, but not only was a Machinima film screened for the House Judiciary committee, but the entire lyrics of The Internet Is For Porn are now officially part of the congressional record. How silly (and kind of cool) is that?

Via BoingBoing.

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